Stai cercando di vendere?
Chiedi ad Adam la tua valutazione immobiliare gratuita

Adam Garrett provides free home valuations for those considering selling and wanting to know the suggested value of their home prior to sale. These valuations typically include suggested improvements to your home that will positively impact your net value prior to listing your home for sale.
Tax assessments & Zestimates can be far off. I have represented a buyer who acquired a property where the tax assessment and Zestimate were both more than 50% above the sales price. I have also represented a seller where the highest offer on the house was more than 45% over the Zestimate.
Adam's coverage area: Adam covers the majority of SE VA excluding the Eastern Shore. His coverage area for listings matches his coverage area for CMA's, which depends on MLS coverage, proximity to his location, & price point. If your property is outside of Adam's coverage area, he can most often connect you with a real estate agent in your area to help you.
Are You Providing a Broker Price Opinion or Appraisal? No, I am not certified as an appraiser, and the vast majority of agents aren't either. I also am not providing a broker price opinion, though I have done a BPO in the past. If you need an official appraisal, ask Adam for a referral to one.
Excluded Scenarios for Free Valuations: Free valuations are intended for prospective clients. For those with no interest in selling in the next 5 years, &/or for those who wouldn't consider using Adam to sell their real estate (i.e. those looking to get an idea of value before selling it to someone they know who has expressed interest), please disclose that information upfront so that Adam can both be aware of your intent and provide you with a price that would be acceptable to him for a valuation prior to arranging an appointment with Adam. Exceptions to fees under typically fee based circumstances will typically be made in cases of those in poverty & those in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure, but please disclose with Adam the situation up front.