You may have seen the "We Buy Houses!" signs, received postcards from them, received calls from them, or received texts from them. If you haven't yet, you probably will soon if you become a homeowner. In this article, I wanted to go into why to disregard these almost entirely, & how you can have peace of mind that if you sell with a real estate agent, you wouldn't be losing out vs one of these buyers.
"Patterns of Parasitic Purchasing": Just How Much Less Will Sellers Sell For According to Drexel University Research Lab? "less than half the value they would by using traditional methods."
Laws Created to Limit Predatory Practices Common Among "We Buy Houses" Investors in Philadelphia
Laws Suggested to Limit Predatory Practices Common Among "We Buy Houses" Investors
Exclusion Clauses in Listing Agreements Can Give Sellers Peace of Mind That They're Not Leaving Money on the Table by Listing with an Agent
Why the We Buy Houses Have Time and Money to Reach out to You
Is selling a home for cash a good deal?
The Bait
The Catch: Introduction, Including Investor Profit Margin Goals & Costs
The Catch: Contingencies & Clauses
The Catch: Wholesalers
The Catch: Cash Buyers
What if You Need to Sell Quickly?
What if Your Home Needs Work?
Don't Let Them In Your Home Unless Your Property is Listed Well Already
Be Familiar with Ways to Keep Your Home if You're Struggling with Payments
How Often Do People Sell to an Investor?
4. Tax relief programs: Tax Relief & Deferral on the Virginia Peninsula of SE VA
See also "RE Taxes" in the spreadsheet linked here for SE VA cities/counties, then scroll over to the various relief/deferral columns.