A commonly neglected element of real estate in some places like Hampton Roads in VA where surveys aren't typical on home purchases (though still typical on land purchases) is checking for encroachment and adverse possession. Below the majority of what I'll be sharing is principles applicable in most states, but with the law focused on VA.
What is Encroachment?
What is Adverse Possession?
How Does a Survey Impact Title Insurance?
Difference Between Plat & Survey
Steps to Locate Potential Encroachment if You Don't Have a Survey:
Determine what website or app you'll use to start other than Google Earth to Find Parcel Boundaries
What to Look For
Get a Survey for Highest Accuracy
Steps to Locate Potential Adverse Possession via Historical Imagery
Get Google Earth
Download Google Earth on a desktop/laptop if you haven’t already (the web desktop version won’t work for what’s next)
Easiest Option: Side by Side Differing Programs
Option to Import Single Parcel Map onto Google Earth
Option to Import Whole Cities or Counties into Google Earth
Input the Address
Open Google Earth Historical Imagery
Go back at least 15 years in VA (other amounts in other states) to find out if the encroachment occurred then or sooner.
What Law to Know in VA
SE VA Area Guide (w/ plenty of info even for those outside the area)