Affiliated Businesses
Below you'll find some of the businesses that Adam and/or Greg Garrett Realty are affiliated with. In some cases, Adam or GGR receive some form of direct compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, from affiliates. Feel free to ask Adam if you'd like more details including whether or not there is any compensation for a particular affiliate and any additional questions about any affiliate. While no affiliate will be able to do a perfect job, ask Adam for expectations, both positive and negative, with any affiliate. At times, by contacting Adam, clients have had affiliates reimburse them monetarily or otherwise correct or alleviate any issues they may have had with affiliates, but Adam does not guarantee such treatment. Adam has purposefully excluded certain affiliates due to negative experiences despite compensation available from those affiliates. Even when Adam does not refer a business, let him know if you are having issues, especially regarding a real estate transaction, as in the past he has helped clients substantially to resolve issues with others in business regarding real estate transactions, including but not limited to by what would be valued in the thousands of dollars range with a business that Adam did not refer to his client but who had done previous work on a property before it was purchased. Through a high volume of calls Adam was able to find the business that did the (poor) work on the foreclosed property, however, that is not a standard practice for Adam & should not be expected as a norm.
Adam's GO TO Inspectors
While Adam works with a number of contractors, inspectors, and other real estate related businesses, here are the top two inspectors he works with:

Peninsula Home Inspections
Affordable, available, gets inspection report on the same or next day, and thorough.
Termite/Moisture Inspector
Refusing to accept the clear termite/moisture letter of other companies that the seller is under contract with has saved my buyers 10's of thousands of dollars of headache.

Phone: (757) 532-9623
Dennis White
P.O. Box 2147
Poquoson, Va. 23662
Phone: 757-873-2030
(discounted rates through me)
711 Gum Rock Ct., Ste #5,
Newport News, VA 23606
While I recommend termite/moisture inspections and home inspections in most cases, there are some cases where I would not recommend them such as a cash buyer with a background in contracting with extensive knowledge of the issues a termite/moisture inspector and home inspector would be addressing.
In addition, there are many other kinds of inspections that can be performed that I can recommend on a case by case basis due to the cost & time involved in each inspection.
For instance, a termite/moisture inspector can do a separate inspection often at the same time for other kinds of insects, like bed bugs or roaches. They can also inspect for rodents & otherwise.
A survey is another possible inspection that has a very positive impact on title insurance when it comes to structures that might encroach. Without a survey around closing time, title insurance will not cover encroaching properties. While homes in established neighborhoods I generally do not recommend surveys due to the expense, if there is any indication of encroachment, if you are planning on installing a fence or a new building on the lot in the future (even in 50 yrs), I recommend one prior to closing in light of the title insurance issue.
A lead-based paint inspection is another possibility. I have never recommended this inspection. Old chipped paint should be painted over or scraped and painted regardless of whether or not it has lead.
A foundation inspection is another possibility, which I sometimes recommend when I see floors with significant sloping.
When septic tanks are present, a septic tank inspection is important.
Businesses with Relationships with Adam Garrett
Below you'll find some of the businesses that partner with Adam Garrett at Greg Garrett Realty.

Excellent prices, plenty of locations, & great customer service.
Phone: 757-255-8992
Phone: (757) 898-3008
Address: 5338 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Yorktown, VA 23692
Lee's Alterations and Shoe Repair

He married my wife & me in 2017 & he's the #1 wedding officiant in VA for a reason!
Phone: (757) 722-2919
Address: 1601 W Pembroke Ave, Hampton, VA 23661

I once tried to get something fixed at 2 places, and wasted plenty of money in the process. "Uncle" Ronnie got it taken care of quickly for much less $ than both places!

Phone: (757) 637-7722
Address: 3816 Kecoughtan Rd, Hampton, VA 23669
Cory Newell: Wedding Officiant
Phone: (757) 876-4920
Address: 431 Russell Street
Portsmouth, Virginia